Real time updates on the move...

Know what's happening right now

Get real-time updates on the where abouts of your fleet and their current journey details live on your mobile device.

Live tracking features include:

  • Sort devices based on last updated or nearest to me
  • View all your devices in real-time on the map view
  • Select individual devices to see their current location, speed, heading information
  • Access Street, Map or Satellite views
  • Get directions to a device, using your current location
  • Call a tracked mobile device with one click

Know what's happened in the past?

As well as live updates, you can also drill down into historical journey data on any device.

Historical journey features include:

  • Search a date range for historical journey's
  • Quickly filter search results using keywords
  • Clicking on each list item will load the snail trail playback of that journey
  • Snail trail shows device speed & road speed limit data
  • Historical journey data shows start and end locations, time at site and distance travelled  

Quick & Easy to use on your Smartphone or Tablet Device

Our web demo will cover:

  • How to navigate around the Manager App
  • How to locate and view your devices in real-time
  • Locate and review historical journeys
  • How to play back journey snail trails
  • How to get directions to your employees locations






Get Your Demo Today


Unlike most apps, our app is not built in the native app code for each of the main mobile platforms. Our app is built using HTML5, this means that all you need to access the app is to have internet access and a modern mobile web browser. This makes the app device agnostic, so it will work on most modern mobile devices including iOS, Android.   
As per the Crystal Ball portal we save three months of rolling historical journey data for you to review in the Manager App.
No the purpose of the application is to see live locations, this information is sent via updates to the system accessible through our website. So a mobile device with internet connection and a data sim is required to run this app.